
A brief conversation with a fellow wonderer here at our small camp on the web has set me out on a new philosophical path. I believe it is serious.

Remember to stay relatively lighthearted when confronting matters like existence, if you ponder these questions yourself.

@briandigital: “If you found out today, definitely, that you are living in a simulation, what if anything would you change about how you go about living?”

@talvinrue: “Well, all consequences would still be the same, right? Whether they are good or bad consequences, and whatever the action. My phenomenological experience of my human existence would still be exactly as I know it to be. Current reality might as well be a simulation, and the current simulation might as well be reality, and it would make no difference. So if I want to change anything because I live in a simulation, I could as well change anything because I live in reality. Both takes are equally meaningful. I hope you do not mind; I want to ask us another question: If we realised that we are definitely alive, would we change anything about how we go about living?”…

Talvin Rue @talvinrue